Digital Transformation for Businesses
10 December 2022, 11:00

Digital transformation is not only a way to use new technologies in business, but also a complete transformation of the models and strategies for the development of the organization, a change in the strategy of working with clients and the entire corporate culture, as well as a reorganization of the management structure inside.
Digital Transformation has created a new position - Chief Digital Transformation Officer, a leader who is responsible for developing digital transformation strategy and business model change, helping the organization to transform traditional analog products and services into digital form, and consolidating the work of all IT departments to implement transformation projects.
The role of CDTO, the main driver of the company's digital transformation, can be performed by vice presidents and directors of strategy, innovation, development, transformation, directors and leading specialists of digital departments.
At the meeting, Nikolai Verkhovsky, Academic Director of Digital Transformation Programs at Skolkovo School of Management and Matena ICDT (International Center of Digital Transformation), will share his experience and vision of digitalization processes.
At the meeting you will learn:
- What is digital transformation and why does business need it
- Which business needs digitalization
- Who is CDTO and what does he do
- What you need to start digital transformation and how to learn to lead this process
Meeting agenda:
10:30-11:00 - Gathering of guests and welcome coffee
11:00-12:00 - Nikolai Verkhovsky's speach about digital transformation
12:00-13:00 – Open discussion
When: December 10, at 11 am
Where: Aram Khachaturian House Museum (3 Zarobyan St, Yerevan, Armenia)