Visitors Agreement of the program conducted by Matena international school of leadership and professional development (registration number՝ 264.120.1200705, registered on 20 th of October 2021, TIN 00244697, address – 6 Baghramyan Ave., Yerevan, Armenia), (hereinafter Matena) in the campus of DILIJAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ARMENIA Foundation, non-profit organisation, established and existing in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Armenia, located at: 7 Getapnya Street, 3903 Dilijan, Armenia(hereinafter - UWC Dilijan College)
VISITOR’S SELF-DECLARATION By completing and submitting this form I am agreeing that UWC Dilijan College may use my data for the purpose of screening and monitoring visitors, or deciding in allowing or refusing access to campus in accordance with the Law of the RA on Personal Data Protection.
Have you ever been convicted in a Court of Law or prosecuted in any country, or are there any pending court cases that involve you?
Have you ever been dismissed, or have left voluntarily, any institution following accusations of inappropriate behaviour with a student or minor?/
Have you ever been prohibited from working with minors?
Have you ever been convicted of any offence involving sexual, child, physical or drug abuse, or fraud or dishonesty?/
Do you have any disease that would preclude your contact with minors?/
I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the particulars provided are true.
I understand that I can be held liable for providing false and inaccurate information.
VISITORS AGREEMENT We hope you have an enjoyable and rewarding time at our College. In keeping with our mission and values, we believe that every child and young person, regardless of age, as well as the College staff and other College community members have at all times and in all situations a right to be safe and protected, and we are committed to safeguarding and protecting our community members from harm.
CAMPUS ENTRY AND EXIT Every time you enter or leave the campus, please present your pass to the security team. Please do not give your pass to third parties and do not facilitate the entry of third parties to the campus.
UWC Dilijan supports a culture of reciprocal respect; all communications should be positive, respectful and invitational
Visitors must display their visitor’s pass prominently at all times
Under no condition can a visitor enter a room, where a student is living, even if the student has invited you.
Please ask for permission from UWC Dilijan before taking any photos or videos; we ask you not to take photos of students and children on campus, or staff members and any images from the College may only be used for personal purposes, no images may be posted publicly via social media or other channels, if they contain images of students and children on campus, or staff members
Visitors may use toilets designated for visitors only
Visitors must not take personal information from any student nor give personal information to any student including contact details and social media profile. Any other personal or sensitive information that visitors may become privy to during their visit must not be taken away or used in any form
When communicating with students or other children on campus, please always make sure you can be seen by others
Visitors may not inappropriately touch any student (a handshake is acceptable) or invade their personal space
Visitors must not respond to physical contact from any student, unless the student is a family member or a friend
Visitors must report any suspicious or unacceptable behavior including physical or verbal abuse by and/or between any student or adult Visitors should be aware that verbal interaction with any student may be interpreted by them as offensive or inappropriate, even if not your intention
Visitors cannot use alcoholic beverages or forbidden substances on campus. Please do not take any food out of the cafeteria or coffee break areas.
We are committed to providing a safe and clean campus. Therefore, please note
The College security can refuse a visitor entry to campus or can at any time ask the visitor to leave the campus.
Access of cars to campus is limited; if you require physical assistance, please let the gate know in advance and we will provide electronic vehicles. If your medical condition requires you to use any kind of medicine while you are on campus, please do it privately and make sure no medicine is left behind.
We also ask all visitors to report any safety or environmental hazards, accidents, incidents or near misses to your host or by email to [email protected]
SMOKING (VAPING) UWCD operates a strict no smoking policy and this includes the grounds, as well as the buildings.
IP We wish to preserve our students’ and teachers’ intellectual property. Therefore, we would ask you to refrain from taking photos/videos in the Art Classroom.
FIRE ALARM With the help of the College staff member, please familiarize yourself with the emergency evacuation signage displayed throughout the campus, a copy of which is available on request; in the event of an alarm, please follow signs to the nearest exit.
SECURITY AND SURVEILLANCE CCTV cameras are located throughout the campus recording images for crime prevention and public safety.
CONTACTS If you have any questions or concerns about safeguarding or require assistance while on please talk with the Matena staff member who organized your visit
In case of any damage (including to property) caused during your stay, the College would be required to ask you to compensate it.
We hope you understand that all the above is conditioned by the College’s duty of care towards its students and staff.
I have read, understood and duly and truly completed the Declaration
I have read, understood and agree to comply with the provisions of the Agreement